Treinando Transição

Training Transition

Training Transition

That's literally it, switching from one modality to another. In triathlon there is T1, from swimming to cycling and T2 which is from cycling to running. It's not as simple as it seems and, if you're not trained, you'll lose precious seconds or minutes in this part of the test.

Most triathletes use the weekend to dedicate themselves to longer training sessions. This includes combined training, especially cycling training followed by running.
Z2 brings some tips for these types of training:
••• Try to start training as early as possible. Although you usually have more time to train, the later you are, the greater your exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays and the greater the risk of exposure to high temperatures with risks of dehydration. Furthermore, times close to lunch increase the risk of energy deficiencies.
••• Prepare all the material to be used the day before. This type of training is full of details and several materials are needed. Leaving everything ready at the last minute increases the risk of forgetting something essential for the sessions.
••• Unless the objective of the training is specifically transition, make the change of modality calmly and safely. Take advantage of the transition time to eat and hydrate calmly.
••• Look for a place where specific logistics for this type of training are possible. Training safely and calmly is essential for quality training.