Para que serve o Carboidrato no exercício?

What is Carbohydrate for in exercise?

What is Carbohydrate for in exercise?

Carbohydrates are important macronutrients for physical exercise, as they perform several functions in the body that are essential for maintaining health and performance.
They are the main source of energy for the body and are necessary to maintain healthy metabolism and muscle function.
First, it's important to understand how the body obtains energy during exercise. When we perform physical activities, the body begins to burn fat and carbohydrates to produce energy.
Carbohydrates are the body's fastest and most efficient source of energy, especially during high-intensity activities such as weight training or resistance training. This is because they are easily metabolized as glucose, a form of energy used more quickly by the body to perform physical activities.
Additionally, carbohydrates also play an important role in maintaining muscle function during exercise. They are stored in the muscle in the form of glycogen, which is a form of reserve energy.
When the body uses glycogen, it prevents the muscle from wasting away. When the body needs energy, it begins to break down glycogen into glucose, which is then used by cells as an energy source. This allows the muscle to continue to contract and function properly without wearing out prematurely.
If there is a decrease in the reserve of carbohydrates in the blood or muscles, the body increases the breakdown of fat into fatty acids to be used as a source of energy. It turns out that fatty acids take longer to be used as energy.
The body can also break down proteins into amino acids and use them as an energy source in situations where glycogen is low, but this can lead to loss of muscle mass. Therefore, it is important to maintain an adequate level of glycogen in the body to prevent muscle wasting.