Carboidratos - Durante e pós exercício

Carbohydrates - During and after exercise

Carbohydrates - During and after exercise

Hey guys! Shall we finish the subject we started last week?

As I mentioned previously, carbohydrates are a source of fuel for exercise and their pre-exercise consumption (by the way, this includes the previous 24 hours) is essential.

During exercise, carbohydrate intake has clearly been shown to increase endurance capacity or performance in various contexts. The positive effects have been largely attributed to the provision of an additional source of fuel that serves to maintain blood glucose concentrations and the use of carbohydrates as fuel during exercise, sparing the use of the body's existing glycogen stores (i.e. liver and/or muscle glycogen).

Some evidence also suggests that carbohydrate consumption during exercise may positively influence the central nervous system to improve performance through a non-metabolic mechanism, possibly through oral detection of these carbohydrates. However, the greatest understanding of the effects is through its potential to directly contribute to energy metabolism during exercise.

In some situations, particularly when exercise exceeds 2.5 to 3 h, a more aggressive carbohydrate feeding strategy may be necessary and current guidance suggests that consumption at rates of up to 90 g/h may help to optimize carbohydrate availability. carbohydrates for performance. In these situations, it is suggested that mixtures of glucose and fructose be consumed to maximize intestinal carbohydrate absorption and exogenous oxidation and minimize the incidence of gastrointestinal problems. To repeat, that's why we took so much care and attention when formulating Z2 products combining these multiple sources of carbohydrates!

Gabi, what about carbohydrate consumption after exercise? ㅤ

The main objective of post-exercise carbohydrate nutrition is the recovery of liver and muscle glycogen stores. To optimize glycogen synthesis after exhaustive exercise, it is recommended that athletes consume moderate to high glycemic index carbohydrates as quickly as possible at a rate of 1.0 to 1.2 g/kg within the first 4 hours. Based on current evidence, it can be recommended that athletes seeking to recover glycogen stores as quickly as possible consider ingesting carbohydrates from a combination of glucose and fructose to optimally stimulate glycogen resynthesis in the liver and muscles.

Protein, which is also important for muscle recovery, will be discussed in the next posts, agreed?!

Thanks for reading and see you next time!



Gonzalez, JT, CJ Fuchs, JA Betts, and LJ van Loon (2016). Liver glycogen metabolism during and after prolonged endurance-type exercise. Am. J. Physiol. 311:E543-E553.

Podlogar, T., and GA Wallis (2020). Impact of post-exercise fructose-maltodextrin ingestion on subsequent endurance performance. Front. Nutr. 7:82.

Podlogar, T., and GA Wallis (2022). New horizons in carbohydrate research and application for endurance athletes. Sports Med. In press.

Podlogar, T., S. Cirnski, S. Bokal, N. Verdel, and J. Gonzalez (2022a). Addition of fructose to a carbohydrate-rich breakfast improves cycling endurance capacity in trained cyclists. Int. J. Sport Nutr. Exercise Metab. In press.

Thomas, D. T., K. A. Erdman, and L. M. Burke (2016). Nutrition and athletic performance. Med. Sci. Sports Exercise. 48:543–568.